Much of Baby V’s life has been lived under the cloud of Covid; this has disrupted what we had hoped would be a fun and full calendar of activities for V to enjoy and also to meet other little people. With Australia having done a pretty good job at minimising the ongoing impacts of Covid (although, I note a certain complacency creeping into everyday life as people forego wearing masks in the shops and so on) we have grabbed the activity bull by the horns and Valentina now has an enviable social calendar.
In this section, I shall detail the various activities Valentina turns her hand to; from music to gyming to tempting hungry lions.
As much as it is important, in my opinion, for Valentina to engage and interact with other little people, the variety of activity is key as well. The little sponge that is her brain is delightfully curious and I encourage Valentina to explore and try things as much as possible and putting her in new, varied and fun situations can only be of benefit to her growth and development.